The 100 Club is qualified as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization, tax ID #23-7179241.
The club’s Annual Dinner is held in the fall for the entire membership. Along with a nomination of the next years Board of Directors for election, the Board also presents its nominee for the Founders' Award, bestowed upon an Individual or Business who/which has exemplified outstanding dedication in support of the law enforcement officers who were killed in the Line of Duty and to their surviving families as was demonstrated by the founders of this organization in 1972.
”Memberships are renewed annually in November.
The Board Members meet bi-monthly.

$75 for active Police Officers & all personnel sworn & civilian, including line and supervisor levels;
$150 Police leaders above the supervisor rank;
$150 Membership
$300 Membership
$500 Law Enforcement Agency/Association
$1,000 Membership
$5,000.00 [ Life Membership ] Select payment option below that best fits your budget. Payments may be made in increments, with a minimum of $500 per year until the $5,000 is reached. Member receives Life Member Plaque & 2 Tickets to that year's Annual Dinner once completed.

To pay by check, please send a check, in the amount of your membership, to the address below:
The 100 Club of San Mateo
PO Box 5275
San Mateo, CA 94402

San Mateo
Officers' Association

Daly City Police
Officers' Association

Pacifica Police
Supervisors Association

Pacifica Police
Officers' Association

South San Francisco
Police Association

Clapp Moroney
Vucinich | Beeman Scheley

Redwood City Police
Supervisors Association

Pacific Gas & Electric

Atherton Police
Officers' Association