“The One Hundred Club is an outstanding organization which provides immediate financial assistance to family members of law enforcement officers who have been killed in the line of duty. In times of tragedy, it is important that family members not have to deal with financial crises.”
—James P. Fox, District Attorney, San Mateo County
Although each incident will be reviewed individually, the following are the general guidelines.
Qualifying Events:
An officer’s life is taken by violent means.
The officer is on duty and involved in a vehicle pursuit and is killed as a result of an accident.
The officer is in a struggle with a suspect and has a heart attack during the struggle.
The officer is off duty and taking appropriate and professional police action and loses his/her life. This event may be considered as a qualifying incident.
If an officer is serving in the military and is killed in training or time of war, he/she shall not qualify for benefits under this Protocol.
If the death falls within the guidelines, the officer’s family will receive a check for $50,000. If the officer is not married, the money will go to his/her children or immediate family member (mother or father) if there are no surviving children.
If the officer has school age children (natural, adopted or stepchildren), correspondence will be sent at a later date to the family explaining our scholarship process.
Compensation to the survivors as well as the Club’s ability to provide scholarships as outlined is based on the Club’s financial solvency.